Lily Fabrizio
Senior Mandarin Lecturer
LocationOne Raffles Place
Specialist InProfessional Chinese
Experience4 Years


Ms. Lily is a senior certified Chinese language instructor, HSK and YCT certified training teacher. She has extensive experience teaching the Chinese language for international school students (IB project and AP project). She has experienced living in Japan and the United States of America. For the past four years, she has specialized in the professional teaching of the Chinese language as a second language in Singapore. This includes Business Mandarin, international school student’s tuition, Singapore local school students’ tuition and early age kids’ programs. She has provided unique bespoke Mandarin topics requested by her customers, including economy, technology, education, hiring, environment and energy, foreign affairs, national and airport security, accounting, banking and others.

对外汉语教学专业讲师、HSK和YCT资格讲师,中国师范大学教育背景,并毕业于南洋理工大学孔子学院。目前在新加坡专业从事对外汉语教学,主要从事商务汉语教学、国际学校(IB& AP)和本地学校学生辅导,有幼儿园教育经验,擅长手工(折纸和创意太空泥)。根据客户要求提供特别课题的汉语课程(经济、科技、教育、环境、能源、外交、雇佣、国家安全和机场安全等)。