LocationOne Raffles Place
Specialist InProfessional Chinese
Experience6 Years
Ms Nie is from Beijing China; she graduated from the law School of Peking University. She has been working for Beijing Derun law firm for three years after graduation. Then she turned her career into Education industry. In six year’s time, She started as a campus director, then General manager’s assistant, and to be promoted as senior operation director in an Education Group in Beijing. Not only she has great experience in developing teaching methods and education management, but also she had years of experience in signing legal contracts, team management, business negotiations, and handlingcomplaints, business (annual) report… Now she has settled in Singapore and has engaged herself in teaching business Chinese course with great passion. The great part of her teaching is to combine China’s actual situation in the workplace and her own working experience, to introduce to the students how to use Chinese properly in a real business world, all that will help you to feel the wonderful charm of business Chinese. 聂伟——高级商务汉语讲师。来自中国北京,毕业于北京大学法学院,毕业后曾经在北京德润律师事务所做过三年的法律工作者。之后转行到教育领域就职,以自己的实力在六年的教学管理生涯中先后担任过校区校长,总经理助理以及高级运营总监等职务。不仅在教学方法和教学管理上有丰富的经验,而且在法律合同签订,商务洽谈,团队管理,投诉处理和公司业务(年终)汇报等方面都有过亲身经历。现在定居新加坡,怀着对教育工作的热爱毅然投身于商务汉语的教学工作。老师一直秉承儒家“因材施教”的理念,对每一位学员制定个性化的辅导方案及练习,充分挖掘学员的潜力,以致达到学员能完全掌握的教学目的。授课亮点体现在结合当今中国大陆的商务职场的实际状况和工作经验来讲解商务汉语的理解和运用。 课堂氛围活泼,不拘泥于课本,严谨的用词和标准的发音会让你真切感受到商务汉语的奇妙魅力。